Three Boutique Hotel i Cape Town

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SydafrikaThree Boutique Hotel



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3, Flower Street, 8001, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 21 465 7517
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Latitude: -33.937699, Longitude: 18.417506

kommentar 5

  • en



    Omgeeee..... This place is a must ...the class..the service...the quality of everything here is world class... Its actually a quaint cosy and super classy hotel with the most amazing views... Their roof terrace offers a post card view of the classy Cape in its peak of elegance. Please guys do yourself a favour and book here ...they do a stunning complementary champagne and chocolates on welcome ...this is aside from the usual pillow chocs...but i seriously loved the personal service and attention that will make you feel like Royalty.

  • karin uys

    karin uys


    Wow... Loved this heritage hotel tucked away in Oranjezicht. The manager, Pieter, was warm, welcoming, friendly, knew the history of the place and offered suggestions where to go and what to see. He gave us a welcome coffee from Run Rabbit Run - a local supplier of SUPERB coffee and, when Pieter heard that it was my son and daughter in law's 1st wedding anniversary, he bumped up their room, also on the house. The hotel is off the grid as regards their water usage and they have their own, drinkable water. This also allows them to maintain a small pool with loungers and couches on the front patio. There is an honesty bar where guests can get drinks and snacks as well as free Wi-Fi and a computer in the lounge /dining area. The buffet breakfast looks amazing and I wished it was me staying there 😁 the rooftop hosts couches and lounging chairs where you have a view of devil's peak, table mountain, lions head and signal hill. The hotel was named after the 3 mountains that are clearly visible (signal hill is peripheral). I would recommend this hotel to anyone and everyone... Yes, even the locals!!!

  • Nikita van zyl

    Nikita van zyl


    What a lovely experience. Room is beautifully decorated and clean. I loved the coffee available in the room. Breakfast was delicious and the dining area is such a nice space. The staff is friendly and eager to help. I can highly recommend The three boutique hotel and we will visit again.

  • Willie van Zyl

    Willie van Zyl


    Fantastic place to stay for a weekend and explore Cape Town. Considering the area, also very well priced.

  • Ricardo Leal

    Ricardo Leal


    Hidden away amongst a quiet neighborhood this boutique hotel makes you feel right at home, small and cosy. Though being small does not take away from the contemporary feel the hotel provides. Spacious, warm and modern, my three words to describe the rooms. As you walk in you feel the warmth of the fire place and the smell of delectable food being brought out from the kitchen.

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