Checkers Potchefstroom i Potchefstroom

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCheckers Potchefstroom



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Mooi River Mall Nelson Mandela Road Potchefstroom Uit 6, Potchefstroom, 2531, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 18 294 2180
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.7132144, Longitude: 27.1036602

kommentar 5

  • Errol Wide

    Errol Wide


    On the website it says Sunday opening time is 08h00. When you get there they change and says they only open at 0900. This is poor management. And then there was old people who had to stand and wait. NOT GOOD

  • Marius Nortje

    Marius Nortje


    My daughter had a sudden nosebleed while we were shopping in the store,Before we knew it 2 staffmembers were there to assist with tissues and kind words of encouragement.Well done.

  • miks botha

    miks botha


    Understaffed always, I do come her quite alot and you always have to stand in dreading ques. The tellers themselves is also not to friendly and tend to be rude.

  • H Von Steen

    H Von Steen


    Friendly staff, clean store with a wide selection of goods. A very nice checkers.

  • Joggie Swanepoel

    Joggie Swanepoel


    Nice and competative pricing. Keep you eyes on the specials.

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