Rietvlei Dam Angling Area i Pretoria

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SydafrikaRietvlei Dam Angling Area



🕗 åbningstider

Unnamed Road, 0181, Pretoria, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 358 1812
internet side: rietvlei-reserve.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.8744258, Longitude: 28.2765408

kommentar 5

  • Jaco Coetzee

    Jaco Coetzee


    A good, quick getaway. For that reason can be busy quickly, but beautiful non the less!

  • Jaywin Pillay

    Jaywin Pillay


    Being close to home (Centurion) its quite the go to place for a picnic, chill out away from everyday life without having to travel a long way or just a really nice and challenging fishing trip! There are plenty of great fishing spots and overnight is when the big fish come out and when I say big I mean really big although actually catching at this dam is a challenge! Rietvlei has some monsters that dont come easy. The newly renovated chalets are rather cozy and tidy(bass fishing on the chalet side is better than carp).. more socializing than fishing when we in a chalet. Definitely worth the trip!

  • hester kinnear

    hester kinnear


    Nice and sunny quite

  • Chri-Sean van Aarde

    Chri-Sean van Aarde


    Truely amazing place to spend time with your loved ones, really peacefull

  • Klaus Bohm

    Klaus Bohm


    Well maintained fishing areas with numerous ablution facilities. Reasonable fishing, if you know what you're doing. Dam has carp, yellowfish, barbel (catfish) and bass. Nature reserve adjacent. A nice breakaway within 30 mins from PTA Central.

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