Joos Bekker Caravan Park i Pretoria

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SydafrikaJoos Bekker Caravan Park


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Es'kia Mphahlele Drive, 0084, Pretoria, Pretoria, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 335 2887
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Latitude: -25.6971678, Longitude: 28.183963

kommentar 5

  • Kobus Viljoen

    Kobus Viljoen


    This caravan park is like any basic caravan park. There is basically nothing special to it. Or is there? You see, when you go to a caravan park, you don't go for the nice pavement and fully built braai's or swimming pool's. When you go to a caravan park you go for the vibe, the vibe of a late night braai, a few friends standing around with a beer in the hand, music playing in the background. Well, at Joos Bekker Caravan park you don't get any of this. Instead you get a million rules to follow, and since no-one follows, nor enforces the rules, there is permanent havoc. This is not a place to be, rather find a place that you'll actually have a nice camping experience, rather go to Kloof.

  • Juli Olivier

    Juli Olivier


    Went to a wedding there, place was clean, lawns were short good impression over all.

  • en

    Braam Burger


    A real jewel in the heart of Pretoria, affordable, clean and nestled in an tranquil environment.

  • Dawid Farber

    Dawid Farber


    Not a dirty, delapidated place, but also not the cleanest. Need some maintenance.

  • en

    Thomas Dreyer


    Nice place, good location for visits to Pretoria. Not very well looked after.

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