Engen Parktown Convenience Centre i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaEngen Parktown Convenience Centre



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Saint Davids Place, 2193, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 484 7316
internet side: www.engen.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.18304, Longitude: 28.0364803

kommentar 5

  • Charmaine Gola

    Charmaine Gola


    You guys know how busy it gets with the morning rush hour, why do you only have 1 cashier at the till during this time? Between 6-7:30 it's a nightmare; took me over 15 minutes to pay for a muffin and coffee this morning and this was at 6am!!!! Sort your service out!

  • AR



    The fast food restaurants never stick to their business times and close at random times. Locals and tourists, please do not support these fools.

  • Shahana Wadie

    Shahana Wadie


    Always busy, so don't go if you are in a hurry. Service is OKAY from the convenience store - I have been double charged on many occasions so check your till slip before leaving the store.

  • Ivana Kartun

    Ivana Kartun


    Worst experience ever Friday the 13th. Went to have an early dinner at Debonairs pizza. Ate my pizza on site and then ordered one for home. Because I was on site longer than an hour they clamped the wheel of my car. I was told that I must pay R300 to unclamp my Wheel. I am told that I am taking up space of other people in their parking lot. I did not have the R300 after I spent it in their shop and restaurants. The sheer audacity to clamp the wheel while I am shopping in their store and spending my hard earned cash in their business. I used to frequent this place weekly. Never and never again. Well they got rid of a customer today and bet they don't even give a Continental about it. Certainly don't need this trauma in my life. Horrible horrible experience!!!

  • Naushad Mahmood

    Naushad Mahmood


    Usually busy, but decent service from staff. Occasionally wait to be serviced at the pumps.

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