AOG Conference Centre i Meyerton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaAOG Conference Centre



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1922 Regatta Road, Henley on Klip, Meyerton, 1960, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 16 366 1914
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Latitude: -26.542446, Longitude: 28.066992

kommentar 5

  • Julia Phetla

    Julia Phetla


    Ablution facilities are not great; need revamping

  • Crazzy Mpsyfo

    Crazzy Mpsyfo


    It was pretty basic but neat the gardens were trimmed well they have a variety of open spaces where you could observe the views and they even have a tour guide trail It's actually settling and soothing place

  • Jako Ailm

    Jako Ailm


    Good for conference, food average. Good for outings and camping

  • Bongani David Baloyi

    Bongani David Baloyi


    Great Camp Facilities Welcomes other churches & organisation to hire. - the Staff is welcoming and a little more protective over thier property. Worked with them for years and their services are great. The magnitude of the event will open for a hole for weakness but they kept the facilities clean. The hall is proper and can be set up for different types of events. We used it for: - Prayers - Live Streaming - Training - Exhibition - Live recording and many more. It has sound system But I will recommend that you come with your own. The hostels are categorised to meet every budget.

  • Brite Maluleke

    Brite Maluleke


    The place was so neat and conducive. I loved the space and views

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