Sionbergh Accommodation(Heidelberg) i Gauteng

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SydafrikaSionbergh Accommodation(Heidelberg)



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1, 26°33'26.7"S 28°16'55.1"E, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 79 491 7919
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Latitude: -26.5574167, Longitude: 28.2819722

kommentar 5

  • Bros Venter

    Bros Venter


    We have been camping for quite some time now. This place has now taken the number one spot of them all. Extremly neat. And clean. Thank you Sionbergh. You will see me soon again.

  • Elaine Maguire

    Elaine Maguire


    It was a lovely weekend. Grassy clean and well managed. The only critism I have is that the pool is very slippery. I fell on the steps hurting knee and ankle. Otherwise a well worth experienc☀️🏕

  • Michelle De Villiers

    Michelle De Villiers


    The only negative thing is all the flies, although they do a lot to prevent them, they are still a nucanc. The site we had was paved, some difficulty anchoring the tent through the cement. It would have been a bit nicer if the power outlets was a little closer to the stand, extension length was a problem.If it was not for the above mentioned I would have rated a 5 star camp site. Absolutely the best ablutions I have ever seen at a camp ground. Very friendly staff, and all round a great stay. I will definitely visit them again.

  • Johan Taljaard

    Johan Taljaard


    Stayed for two nights, well kept park with extremely neat ablutions. Dustbins are emptied daily, braais cleaned and grid brushed. Not a lot of shaded areas, has a little shop on site with basics. Very safe, i must say it is a pleasure to camp here, maybe a little expensive but at least worth it to camp. Stands are very close to each other and wont be nice if all campsites are occupied.

  • Collin Kay

    Collin Kay


    Here I have VERY mixed emotions. On the one hand I absolutely love this park. The grass is extremely lush and the park in general is very well maintained. On the other hand the park is known for the severe weather conditions that can, and will wreak havoc on your caravan / tent. However, although a little pricey and me not being a fan of their new stands, I still rate this caravan park as one of the best in the area

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