Marshall Music South i Johannesburg

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SydafrikaMarshall Music South



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Shop GF02 Comaro Crossing, Corner Comaro & Boundary Rd, Oakdene, Johannesburg, 2190, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 435 1631
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.266671, Longitude: 28.059017

kommentar 5

  • Arlene Smith

    Arlene Smith


    Awesomeness. Wonderful friendly staff. Cost shop with almost every instrument you might b looking for. Music shop to be.

  • Paul Pollock

    Paul Pollock


    The guy's are on the ball. Got all the necessary info

  • Jeremy Naude

    Jeremy Naude


    Super helpful and quick to get everything i needed im so happy. Iv recommended Marshall for any Audio, Studio, instrument repair for years now to my clients

  • Brandon Metalfist

    Brandon Metalfist


    Best Music Store in Johannesburg! Best customer service! They have the friendliest and most helpful guys working there. They have tons of knowledge about everything. From Entry level to high end. They have a wide variety of products from guitars to big PA systems, dj equipment, keyboards such as Casio, Roland and Yamaha. Guitar brands such as Ibanez, Fender, Cort, Yamaha, Sigma , Taylor, Martin and Gibson! Tama drums, Pearl Drums, PDP and DW. They have alot of accessories, guitar strings, cables and any connector/convertor that you can think of. Visit Marshall Music South. You won't be disappointed.👍

  • Willem Rabie

    Willem Rabie


    I love playing my guitar and I give them a 5 star rating because they put new strings on my it sounds better than ever!!!

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