Hirsch's Meadowdale i Germiston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaHirsch's Meadowdale



🕗 åbningstider

12, Herman Street, 1429, Germiston, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 657 2400
internet side: www.hirschs.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.1535677, Longitude: 28.1688726

kommentar 5

  • Deon Du Plessis

    Deon Du Plessis


    Super, super service!!! From the moment I entered thw building, until the sale was complete, the service was absolutely superb. I haven't had such well informed professional sales staff (from both Samsung and Hircsh's) attended to my needs, in a very long time. Well deserving of the 5stars. Keep up the good work.

  • Violet Chipunza

    Violet Chipunza


    Had a very great experience with Tina..she was so helpful..we were not sure about the fridge we wanted and Tina helped us decide and she was so patient and we joked around. She understood what we wanted. Would definitely come back to Hirsch's. Great service!!

  • Me We

    Me We


    Well stocked, good after sales support

  • Sandhir Beesunlal

    Sandhir Beesunlal


    I walked into the store on Saturday morning and was greeted by friendly staff who assisted me immediately. I needed a fridge which was not stocked in store, and the sales person arranged for the fridge to be delivered the same day. The fridge was delivered and installed on Saturday and i received a follow up call on Monday to find out if i was happy with my delivery. I am thoroughly impressed by their customer service. Will definitely be buying from Hirsch's more regularly. Thank you for good customer service!

  • Natechia dos Reis

    Natechia dos Reis


    Went in to purchase a dishwasher and expected to be shown the most expensive one but was pleasantly surprised by how Melissa explained what one should I look for. A wobbly door, the surgical steel at the bottom to avoid rust, are the trays ajustable. Also showing the difference between the brands. Exceptional service by Melissa! Unfortunately, due to their prices being high and out of my league I can't purchase items from Hirsch's.

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