Freeman Productions VHS Video Tape to DVD Conversions and 8mm Cine Reel Transfers i Johannesburg

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SydafrikaFreeman Productions VHS Video Tape to DVD Conversions and 8mm Cine Reel Transfers



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15, Corbel Crescent, 2192, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 885 1516
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Latitude: -26.1413995, Longitude: 28.0990828

kommentar 5

  • Rayno van Zyl

    Rayno van Zyl


    Had about 45 reels of 8mm home movies of family converted to digital files (mp4). Highly recommended. Remember that the longer you wait to digitise those 8mm movies, the more the film deteriorates.

  • Christine Ashton

    Christine Ashton


    The follow up on my query was quick and efficient. The service was great. I was kept updated throughout the time. Highly recommended.

  • Ebrahim Jogee

    Ebrahim Jogee


    I would highly recommend Freeman productions. They converted an old VHS cassette to mp4. Service was really amazing. They were in constant contact with me throughout the process. The quality of the conversion was really good and represented good value for money. I would highly recommend using them.

  • Stanley Nadel

    Stanley Nadel


    Searched high and low for someone to digitise my vinyl collection. What a find this company was. Slick, efficient, cost-effective, polite, customer orientated, high quality and fast! Do not hesitate they are the company for the job.

  • Avrami Gordon

    Avrami Gordon


    Anthony and his team were absolutely excellent, professional and enjoyable making our day that much more special. Highly recommend them for any event

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