Southern Cross Veterinary Clinic Cc i Port Elizabeth

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SydafrikaSouthern Cross Veterinary Clinic Cc



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8, Salisbury Avenue, 6001, Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 41 373 4243
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Latitude: -33.961337, Longitude: 25.599582

kommentar 5

  • Helen Crooks

    Helen Crooks


    The best, most caring vets. And they stay ahead of all the technological advances. Would not take our pets anywhere else. Let's not forget the backroom team, especially Uncle Ignatius and his co-workers who put so much effort and love in to our pets' recovery.

  • Nikki Gerrard

    Nikki Gerrard


    Snoop, injured his back in December last year and has been having acupuncture since then. He is so happy and mobile now (apart from being blind) and I think he loves his visits for his acupuncture. He is now on maintenance and happy as larry....

  • Wendy Nunn

    Wendy Nunn


    I have been a client since the practice first opened and all four of my Cavalier King Charles spaniels have been patients since then. Brodie and Reilly are the current patients and it says a lot that they are never nervous of going for visits and we really do feel part of the family. My dogs have been well-cared for and healthy and I have had the privelege of all of them living their full expected life-span.

  • Merissa Ellerbeck

    Merissa Ellerbeck


    5 stars is not enough! I will not entrust my Bulldog’s health with any other vet other than Southern Cross! Their team of vets are skilled at the highest level and their assistance staff are the most loving and patient people I have ever met. My dog is absolutely in love with the vet and this is only because they reciprocate the same love to him. Each visit is thorough and every avenue is explored until the vet is happy with their diagnosis or treatment. I can not recommend them enough. 100/100 veterinary clinic!

  • Michael Brombacher

    Michael Brombacher


    The service and care we get at Southern Cross Vet are both out of this world. Both us and our pup are known by name by the friendly staff and appointments are always easy to make. Sammy really loves her trips to the vet. We would definitively recommend them.

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