Life Day Spa Fourways i Sandton

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SydafrikaLife Day Spa Fourways



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Leslie Ave, Fourways, Sandton, 2055, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 465 7777
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Latitude: -26.031199, Longitude: 28.012615

kommentar 5

  • Lauren Hunt

    Lauren Hunt


    Always love this spa! Tranquility in the heart of Fourways! The therapists are divine and do the most amazing massages! Very professional and a great spoil. Birthdays are extra special here!

  • Jacques M

    Jacques M


    Very average therapists and definitely not the type of welcome you would expect from receptionists at a spa. Best part of the day was the Swedish shower in the gents change rooms. Sadly won't return for treatments any time soon.

  • Mariné Breytenbach

    Mariné Breytenbach


    I celebrated my engagement here. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had at a Spa. The staff are knowledgeable, friendly and professional. They made me feel like a princess. Thanks for making my day extra special! I would recommend the flotation tank, Razul chamber, hot stone full-body massage and ultimate indulge for journey to anyone needing a day of pampering and rejuvenation.

  • Sizakele Kameru

    Sizakele Kameru


    The staff was friendly and professional, and the facilities are great! They made my mom's birthday very special, and she felt spoilt. We enjoyed our massages, and will definitely be returning for more.

  • Cindy Nair

    Cindy Nair


    We booked the serenity package, venue and location is great. Massages were good, rasul experience was fantastic and therapists were good. However, we had the luxury suite for the entire session, the last hour we could spend in the jacuzzi and during this time, someone opened the door. Very unprofessional as they said they will knock when our time is up, we still had 20 minutes left. Lunch was horrible, sushi was warm!

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