Lash & Brow Bar i Sandton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaLash & Brow Bar



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131, Wilton Avenue, 2191, Sandton, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 463 8471
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Latitude: -26.04727, Longitude: 28.03932

kommentar 5

  • Mamotseki Selane

    Mamotseki Selane


    Really bad experience. All I wanted was for my eyebrows to be threaded and shaped nicely. Technician was not the friendliest but I can live with that. Very unhappy with the end result. My eyebrows look butchered and I asked for them to be left as thick as possible. She left a little bit and the shape is just horrible. I feel like crying.:(

  • Nafeesa Shaik

    Nafeesa Shaik


    Used to love going here. But my eyelashes are not equipped to having semi permanent lashes and I end up pulling th out in my sleep. I use daily stick on lashes these days.. but if I did get my eyelashes done.. this is the only place i would go to. They have lovely rooms in the heart of bryanston. Friendly staff and very professional service and very good products! Highly recommend this place

  • Moagisi Sibanda

    Moagisi Sibanda


    Clean, tranquil and very professional! Also high on hygiene, unlike many places where it seems to be common practice, they don't double dip when waxing. Never ever. I'd rather pay more than be exposed. The team is highly trained and skilled with very friendly service always. Oh and Irene is a master waxer!

  • Kari Amler

    Kari Amler


    The most wonderful and professional team. I felt at ease the minute that I walked through their doors. Their treatments are sensational and their prices are great. Loved my experience, I cannot wait to go back!!

  • Maylene Kim May

    Maylene Kim May


    This place is lovely ☺️💕 Sim was amazing and so gentle, my eye lashes look amazing! She is such a lovely lady. The place is so relaxing.

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