Rainflow SA Gutters i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaRainflow SA Gutters



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531, Justice Mahomed Street, 0081, Pretoria, Pretoria, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 753 5722
internet side: www.rainflowsa.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -25.7733929, Longitude: 28.2613388

kommentar 4

  • Andrew Vester

    Andrew Vester


    Excellent service. Very happy with my new gutters. Best price in town. The team arrived on time and were friendly and did a very professional job. I was worried that I would have to dispose of my old gutters but they even took those away for me. Top job! Thank you

  • Thomas Ellis

    Thomas Ellis


    Decently priced and friendly however they provide a terrible service. I had references from 2 people they had done work for previously and their work there was satisfactory (maybe I was just unlucky): Messed on the driveway and walls to the extent that I needed to repaint some of the house. Workmanship was not great and leaked after completion. Needed to provide my own wood as they had miscalculated. Left workers on site without necessary tools and needed to provide my own so that the job could get done. Old down pipes were left on top of the roof and wood was left littered around the house on the so that I needed to do the cleanup myself.

  • alex mackinnon

    alex mackinnon


    fast professional gutters in Pretoria..

  • en

    justin vantonder


    Great quality seamless gutters in pretoria . fast friendly and efficiant services Highly recommended

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