Global Roofing Solutions i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaGlobal Roofing Solutions



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Corner Barlow & Quality, Isando, Johannesburg, 1600, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 898 2900
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Latitude: -26.143562, Longitude: 28.212046

kommentar 5

  • CoolClyde Truby

    CoolClyde Truby


    Industry specific. Good product knowledge and service.

  • Keshav Koshal

    Keshav Koshal


    GRS Botswana is one of the WORST, MOST UNPROFESSIONAL companies I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. They take your money and delay your project indefinitely. They promise you one thing and within an hour change their minds, even after putting it in writing. The list of their excuses is legendary. So if you expect them to do a quality job on time you must be dreaming. Please learn from my mistake and NEVER, EVER deal with GRS Botswana. Is there a way to give negative stars? Please look at their quality of installation below: Now Over 7 Months Later, I am still experiencing problems with GRS Botswana: After all our struggle previously with GRS Botswana we had signed a contract over 7 months ago that GRS Botswana will complete our main roof including snagging in 24 days. Now over 7 months are up and the roof is not completed to any acceptable quality. The roof sheeting has holes in them, the sheets are joined together with bolts (to extend short sheets), the insulation is patched up (in some places the ripped black insulation is patched up with white tape) and the ROOF IS LEAKING! I can go on and on stating issues with GRS Botswana. Yet GRS Botswana want more money from us to even come and fix their mistakes. I repeat NEVER, EVER work with GRS Botswana. You will regret it.

  • Norman Van Niekerk

    Norman Van Niekerk


    Awesome, one stop shop for all your roofing needs, vast array of services to offer to the clients

  • Ryan Van Leyleyveld

    Ryan Van Leyleyveld


    Great products, don't provide the best technical advice

  • Johannes Visser

    Johannes Visser


    A good company to do business with, quick response time on queries and fast turnaround on manufacturing of sheeting. Used their Klip-Lop 700 profile sheeting and had very good experience with it. Although it is priced at a premium it is definitely a premium product that is worth the money. Would support again.

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