AMCO Waterproofing i Randburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaAMCO Waterproofing



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Mountainview Avenue, 2195, Randburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 672 2912
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.1363309, Longitude: 27.976122

kommentar 5

  • Imtiaz Mahomed

    Imtiaz Mahomed


    Worst company ever to deal with!!! Leon the owner makes several appointments to repair a leak. Waited several times but just does not pitch. His phone just rings while you waiting,reads messages buts does not respond. MAKE YOU LIKE A FOOL.

  • Marta Le Riche

    Marta Le Riche


    I had great service from them initially and during the process, but just over a year later, there was a leak and the company has been giving me the run around for the passed 2 months! Promising that they will get back to me and honour their 5 year guarantee, but not even returning my calls. Very unprofessional and frustrating, the polar opposite to their original professionalism!

  • KC chetty

    KC chetty


    Worst company to deal with ever!!! They refused to fix the leak on 2 areas where they apparently 'guarantee' their waterproofing. This is not a professional company and they cannot guarantee their work. Please don't ever use them. The owner doesn't ever get back to you, and he has the receptionist lie that he is in meetings forever.

  • Jeff Martin

    Jeff Martin


    Rude owner!!!!!!!Rude staff . Never ever use them !

  • Daryl Naidoo

    Daryl Naidoo


    Excellent service, highly recommend.

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