Checkers Hyper Edenvale i Germiston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCheckers Hyper Edenvale



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Van Riebeeck Avenue Meadowdale, Mall, Marlands, Germiston, 1401, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 579 3400
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.161726, Longitude: 28.170912

kommentar 5

  • maria furlong

    maria furlong


    it's a pity that you fail to help your clients in this time of distress, with a delivery service or , at least with a "click and collect service"

  • Justin Mushawatu

    Justin Mushawatu


    It's a massive shop with a great range of items to choose from . From groceries to clothes to household items everything is there. There is a big section of fruit and vegetables loaded with fresh and healthy selection of stuff. Staff fairly friendly

  • Herman Du Toit

    Herman Du Toit


    Lady is very angry and does not greet... @kiosk educate yourself - linah

  • Tanya Smit

    Tanya Smit


    The prices do not match what is being displayed. I constantly have to double check and report the wrong prices to Management. This seems to be done deliberately as a staff member informed me that the same happened a few days ago to another customer and still the displayed prices were not changed. I have also reported to Management on 3 occasions that the Simple Truth ready meals are off and sour. Still, nothing changed as the 4th purchase was off again.

  • Chris Muller

    Chris Muller


    Almost exclusively shop here. Awesome specials and if you time it right it's quick shopping too with very few busy tills. Really can't stress how good their specials are. 10/ 5 stars

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