Dakotas Pub and Grill i Germiston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaDakotas Pub and Grill



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Dakota Crescent, 1401, Germiston, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 383 2101
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Latitude: -26.2413496, Longitude: 28.1584477

kommentar 5

  • Karin Swanepoel

    Karin Swanepoel


    Excellent chilled atmosphere with a view to Rand Airport runway and sunsets. Good food. Well priced food and drinks.

  • Stephanie Cronning

    Stephanie Cronning


    Awesome place for work functions. Good food and venue. Service was good too.

  • Michael Visser

    Michael Visser


    Great lunch option for the vegetarian is the Nachos, superb venue at the end of rand airport runway. Great for plane watching. Huge facility, good service, looks like it is owner run as they have some novel attractions other pubs don't offer, eg The titanic model,

  • Charmaine van Tonder

    Charmaine van Tonder


    Value for money pub grub! The food portions are enormous and tasty. Beer on tap, shooters, cocktails and more. Outdoor seating overlooks part of the Rand Airport runway. Kids play area. Great for families and big groups.

  • Keri Culver

    Keri Culver


    What an absolutely incredible place. Deco is outstanding, food portions are more than enough. Service is good. The only thing they need is a fan in the outside section.

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