Johannesburg Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaJohannesburg Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse


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Departure Terminal, O.R. Tambo International Airport, O.R. Tambo, Johannesburg, 1627, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 340 3400
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.1322956, Longitude: 28.2325726

kommentar 5

  • Samantha Dorries

    Samantha Dorries


    Service was faultless from the moment we arrived to the moment we departed. Our waiter Inga was so attentive- personable - nothing was too much trouble with food , drinks - he even put the football on for us . Showers immaculate ans all amenities as needed to refresh before a long flight home . Bubbly young lady ( sorry did not get her name ) rushing around to ensure everyone could be accommodated . Very impressed with 5 star service .

  • Paul Howard

    Paul Howard


    Staff were most attentive. Stan even more so. Thank you

  • B Henriques

    B Henriques


    Excellent facility. Great staff. Good food choices. Mice environment.

  • Rob Mac

    Rob Mac


    The lounge is comfortable and the service is good. The interior is relaxing and relatively quiet. Situated above the main shopping areas the lounge is tucked away from the bustle of OR Tambo. It is not a large space and there could be more charging points for electronic equipment. If you can go to the international departures slow lounge that is still a better option.

  • Luke Mckend

    Luke Mckend


    As far as airport lounges go, this is pretty good! Above average food and decent cocktails.

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