HAREM i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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7th Avenue, 2193, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 81 504 0249
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Latitude: -26.1461451, Longitude: 28.0361221

kommentar 5

  • treven moodley

    treven moodley


    Worst club experience ever!!! Male and female have different entrance fees. Drinks way TOO OVERPRICED!! You are not allowed to sit in the lounge areas as you first have to buy a bottle of alcohol to qualify to sit there. You are forced to hang around the bar area or sit on stools (very few) which have no backrest and are uncomfortable. Wasn’t allowed into the lounge area even when the club was totally empty!!! Spent less than 10 minutes there and asked the hostess for a refund. She said she couldn’t help us. Asked to speak to the manager who gave some weak excuse that he couldn’t come address us. Honestly the worst club experience of my life. Definitely will avoid this venue in the future

  • maxwel owen

    maxwel owen


    It's inappropriate to lock up your loo when you serve clients alcohol.

  • Amit Mistry

    Amit Mistry


    Good vibes good music, great food and awesome staff! I loved my first experience here and will surely visit again soon with my friend's.

  • Oratilwe Mathope

    Oratilwe Mathope


    The vibe was amazing, major league was awesome man...

  • Regan  Johnson

    Regan Johnson


    Its high class entertainment

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