Covenant Motorcycles i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCovenant Motorcycles



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11, Annes View Road, 2091, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 943 1204
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.29926, Longitude: 28.00873

kommentar 5

  • Ruan Barnardo

    Ruan Barnardo


    Fantastic service and expert workmanship and advice from Nicky and Dolf! They are the bike whisperers if you need some work done!!

  • Fanie Pieterse

    Fanie Pieterse


    Excelent service +advice. Keep up the goodwork. Shalom brothers

  • Danie Naude

    Danie Naude


    Dolf and Nicky are the best. Wish I have heard of them earlier. They are friendly. Do a perfect job and the workshop is always neat. They are respectable people and if you are a true customer then please treat them them with the same repect they are treating you. Thanks Nicky for the quick and quality work you have done. You will definitely see me more often.

  • Gavin Botten

    Gavin Botten


    Love these guys, they're always willing to go the extra mile, have always given me phenomenal service, and I always get the correct information from them regarding my bike (400 Dragstar). Highly recommend them for any and all work, just be sure you want to hear the truth before you go there, as they don't sugar coat anything. If there's more wrong with the bike than you asking to do, they will tell you straight up.

  • baymen greenfield

    baymen greenfield


    My repair was done extremely quickly. I was pleasantly surprised by the professionalism. Nicky's work is high grade, I can see he has alot of pride in his work. High quality. He gave me a quote on worst case scenario and the lower quote if my damage wasn't so severe. And my repair was done at the lower cost. He is honest. It is a pleasure doing business with honest, professional people that take pride in their finished repairs and work. I am well pleased with his service.

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