Hi Tech Mag Repairs i Alberton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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208, Bosworth Street South, 1451, Alberton, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 900 1341
internet side: www.hitechmagrepairs.com
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Latitude: -26.345488, Longitude: 28.127018

kommentar 5

  • Cynthia van Zyl

    Cynthia van Zyl


    Very helpful with my Mag wheel query

  • Colin van Son

    Colin van Son


    The best place to have your mags repaired. They don't take shortcuts. Not the cheapest, but the best never is as they get your mags back to perfect.

  • S.O.T. Sapper

    S.O.T. Sapper


    I have been happy with the repairs to wheels that I have done here. They have repaired motorcycle as well as vehicle wheels for me. Good service but a bit pricey.

  • Specs Vermeulen

    Specs Vermeulen


    These guys know they are doing and are honest when quoting. Pricing matches the quality of workmanship.

  • Stiaan Bester

    Stiaan Bester


    I personally won't recommend them at all. Paid R11400 to repair two broken and two colour match 19"mags ,I asked them for a black gloss finish they made it matt, when I asked why they replied they didn't recall me saying gloss and it's going to be a bit more if I want it gloss ,they borrowed me a loan set witch was nice ,drove probably 80km on the highway when the one tire blew out on me. When I brought back the car they took back the loan set ,the manager just said put ot on his account ,I didn't think it was fair but ok, after paying this huge amount I thought I will get value for my money. Instead 7 months later one of the mags is cracked and leaks, I took it to them because they told me they have a one year workmanship ,the only reply I got was that it's road wear and tear , the warranty is only on paint and so on ,I added the tyre on the second photo so the gents gan see no damage or marks on the tyre ,hope you change your minds when thinking of using this company. Regards

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