World's Finest Watches i Sandton

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SydafrikaWorld's Finest Watches



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Maude Street, 2146, Sandton, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 784 0203
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Latitude: -26.1045263, Longitude: 28.0559801

kommentar 5

  • Nora Sanchez

    Nora Sanchez


    In my experience they are great watches, I currently own five models, two planet ocean and three sea master diver.

  • Po Sang Chan

    Po Sang Chan


    World's Finest Watches is one of the worst that I have ever come into a shop with this kind of poor customer service that I have ever had. First of all, when I come into the shop which is looking for one of the brand that I would like to purchase. Then the salesperson immediately have rejected my asking and said : "YOU WOULD NOT FIND THIS BRAND IN HERE AND THE WHOLE SOUTH AFRICA". Seriously, I don't think that even when I walk into a simple watch shop, the salesperson can talk to a customer with this kind of attitude and language. Second, after I ask is there have any alternatives, he immediately say no and used his eyes to scan me from head to toe. It seems that he think I do not have the ability to purchase the goods in their shop. Third, after he rejected my request, I just walk around the shop and look for the other brands' watches. But then, he was talking to another salesperson in South African language and seems talk against me that I won't able to purchase their watches etc. Lastly, he even said : You are in my shop a quite number of time already, what are you looking for ? And I said : Why not ? Then, he just ask me to leave the contact information if my wanted items will be back into the store. TO BE HONEST, SO FAR OF MY SHOPPING EXPERIENCE IN MY WHOLE LIFE. THIS IS THE WORST AND I DON'T THINK EVEN ANYONE SHOULD DESERVE THIS KIND OF RUDE AND UNPROFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE. PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THIS SHOP AND PURCHASE YOUR BRANDED WATCHES, YOU CAN FIND IN OTHER SHOP !!!!!!

  • Andrew J

    Andrew J


    Good service and selection. Very happy to have worked with an Authorized Dealer of so many respected brands. Bought a great everyday time piece and was impressed with the knowledgeably of the staff. Loving my new Hamilton!

  • Grant Cairns

    Grant Cairns


    The newly revamped store offers everything a watch buyer would be looking for. Staff friendly and knowledgeable as always

  • gilles esterhuizen

    gilles esterhuizen


    Very good service thus far. Their timepieces are up to date and have something to offer everyone, no matter the price point.

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