Louis Vuitton Johannesburg i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaLouis Vuitton Johannesburg



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Sandton City Shopping Centre Shop 26 Upper Level, Sandhurst, Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 784 9854
internet side: uk.louisvuitton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.1079588, Longitude: 28.0524605

kommentar 5

  • Selma Baldi Richardson

    Selma Baldi Richardson


    Latifa at Sandton City is most helpful. Every time I purchased a bag from her either instore or telephonically, she has gone out of her way to oblige, even if it meant having to order from France. She follows up meticulously on all orders, and her knowledge of the product is superb, as is the case with all the sales staff. Stock may not be as varied at Sandton as it is elsewhere in the world, but stall are exceptional.

  • Jake Romani-Backhouse

    Jake Romani-Backhouse


    Had an amazing experience at Louis today. The salesmen and saleswomen are incredibly helpful and are very eager to help. Going back tomorrow to pick up my shoes.

  • Robyn Wright-Parkin

    Robyn Wright-Parkin


    Received wonderful service from Kean at the Sandton City store today. He was incredibly helpful, knowledgeable and patient. A really lovely shopping experience.

  • saad hassam

    saad hassam


    The service in sandton Lv is to bad when i asked the price of a bag they just ignored me

  • Karishma Dahya

    Karishma Dahya


    Most of the staff are quite awkward, rude and weird. When asking for help all of them just stare at you instead of offering their services. However there is one fantastic gentleman who works there, Marco, and I always receive amazing service from him when shopping there. One of the very few friendly staff members there. There is also a man that works there that seriously needs to leave with the attitude he has towards customers and the amount of trash talking that he does about the customers, sometimes while the customer is still in store. Completely unprofessional and is just working in the store for the gossip clearly.

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