Williams Hunt The Glen i Johannesburg South

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaWilliams Hunt The Glen



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Comaro Street, 2190, Johannesburg South, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 594 3741
internet side: www.williamshunt.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.2668829, Longitude: 28.0602891

kommentar 5

  • Gregory Williams

    Gregory Williams


    Pathetic Service. I had to ask for a salesman to assist. The salesman showed little interest in my needs, taking forever to prepare a quote that was not worth the wait.

  • Kevin Green

    Kevin Green


    These guys are amazing, they heard my story and worked out an amazing deal for me, truly awesome customer service, wish I could get it everywhere, I recommend going to this place, and even seeing the person by the name of Craig. Thank you!

  • Mark Tyas

    Mark Tyas


    As per my discussion this morning with your salesman , i am intredted in this BMW 535i ,standing on your forcourt

  • Ella Mpofu

    Ella Mpofu


    Was at the parts sales dept and only one service terminal was utilized which resulted in a long wait as other customers were rightfully asking questions of what they wanted to buy. Waiting area is too small. Asked for water to drink and I was told to walk around the corner and drink from the tap (wow). For world class facility you have, one would expect to get water coolers for your customers. Service consultant was friendly but the Despatch kiosk needs a little bit of customer service orientation.

  • Johannes Paulsen

    Johannes Paulsen


    Parts department fairly good. Otherwise a good Opel and second hand car dealership.

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