Villa Simonne Boutique Hotel i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaVilla Simonne Boutique Hotel



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16, West Street, 2198, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 728 2011
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Latitude: -26.16666, Longitude: 28.057227

kommentar 5

  • Steve Chalom

    Steve Chalom


    What an incredible venue. Highly recommended!!! #hiddengem

  • Malebogo Chelot

    Malebogo Chelot


    Very very nice place.. We loved each and every minutes of our stay there... Thank you guys

  • en

    gwinyai nyamajiwa


    I stayed here for three days with my family. What a place! Great service, management and staff are superb. I even got to meet the owner of the hotel and now I understand why this place is good. Good deco and individually themed rooms. Full size snooker table and Sauna room are big plus for no extra cost. If you want a great value place near great amenities including Johannesburg zoo, Killarney mall, Red bus tour then look no further than villa Simone. Will definitely be bringing my organization for a conference retreat here

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    Hylie Hayward


    Villa Simonne Boutique Hotel with a unique look to it. From the feeling like you are in Santorini to going back to the 1920s Great Gatsby. Service is great, The staff are fantastic and always willing to assist you where possible. Villa Simonne felt like a home away from home.

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    Charne Rademeyer


    I would give the rooms and service a 5 star rating. We had an extremely clean and modern room. Very comfortable, and great decor. The service from staff was great - very friendly and helpful. However, the bar was terribly under stocked. They couldn't give us a single drink or desert from the menu. The breakfast was also quite underwhelming, as well as the service received in the morning. Some of the facilities seem a slight bit dated, too. Hopefully a few things to work on.

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