Reef Hotel i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaReef Hotel


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58, Anderson Street, 2001, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA Sudáfrica
kontakter telefon: +27 11 689 1000
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Latitude: -26.2083297, Longitude: 28.0412025

kommentar 5

  • Shivani Hariparsad

    Shivani Hariparsad


    This place is every bit of a 4 star hotel in a good area of Johannesburg. The rooms are a nice size for sharing and hotel staff are friendly. The food is great. Good for business people but if you want to stay up late on the sundeck chilling with your mates, it's not the place for you. Does not promote self entertainment and night life. Bars and sun deck closing at 10pm was a put off for me. Otherwise, a great stay

  • en

    Ralph Finke


    I really enjoyed the stay (y). Very stylish rooms and bar. Super friendly staff. The rooms in the upper level have a nice view, but might be a little noisy because of the wind, but that's not really a big deal. Take Ure camera with you... there are some very nice details!

  • en

    Bulelwa Nkole


    Love the elegant feel and the ambiance that's set by the lighting, furniture and decorations. The only thing is the lack of ventilation when you're inside, you u constantly need to go out for some air because it can get quite warm inside. Otherwise, loved it, loved the view of the city and the staff has good hospitality.

  • es

    Conchi Pequerul


    Buen sitio y comodo

  • Alberto Astorga

    Alberto Astorga


    Muy buena ubicación y reformado. Recomendable 100%. Precio increible.

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