The Broken Pot i Potchefstroom

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaThe Broken Pot



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140, Steve Biko Street, 2520, Potchefstroom, Southern DC, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 18 294 8700
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.7, Longitude: 27.0944444

kommentar 5

  • Regardt Nieuwoudt

    Regardt Nieuwoudt


    Best value for money. Great service. Eisbein was out of this world!

  • André van Biljon

    André van Biljon


    This is a typical pub the way a pub should be. The food is really good at pub prices. We thoroughly enjoyed the ambiance and the service was friendly and efficient. If you're in Potchefstroom, then you should make this a port of call.

  • Menno van Zaanen

    Menno van Zaanen


    This place has really nice food. There is quite a bit of choice (pizza, pasta, burgers, grill, etc) and to quality is good. Service is fine as well. Not too fast, but definitely not too slow. They come and check whenever is needed. You can also sit outside, although that is next to the parking or next to the street. It is covered though, so the noise is not bad.

  • Benrie Fourie

    Benrie Fourie


    Wow , the Pizza was so good. Service was fast and friendly. Nice beer and good food. The Pot will see me again!!

  • Marcel Bezuidenhout

    Marcel Bezuidenhout


    Amazing restaurant. Delicious food. Friendly service. Clean bathrooms. Even ordering via the Mr Delivery app you always get what you pay for, correct orders, well packaged and delicious, and portions above standard. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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