Sasol Lambton i Germiston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaSasol Lambton



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17 Russel Rd, Lambton, Germiston, 1401, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 824 0112
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.2398227, Longitude: 28.1640083

kommentar 5

  • Zinta Gersbach

    Zinta Gersbach


    Fine for filling up. Terrible toilet.

  • Dirk Lourens

    Dirk Lourens


    This is a generic petrol station, save for the addition of an automated car wash-and-dry service. The convenience store has a decent display and usually have stock of convenience groceries and items. I want to recall seeing firewood for sale here, but wouldn't count on it for a fact. The fuel pump islands appear somewhat closer to each other than stations with generous spacing, which evidently proves to be a challenge for some customers. Expect it to be a little cramped. From the few visits I've had, service speed was fairly average- average enough to just avoid having to wait for a chance at the fuelling pump (usually!)

  • Hyran Cook

    Hyran Cook


    1 up on others in customer service - just better.

  • Ivan Vernon

    Ivan Vernon


    Fast, friendly service in the convenience store. The bathroom(yes there is only one, and its Unisex) is a bit dirty and could probably need more regular cleaning.

  • Juan-Pierre Nel

    Juan-Pierre Nel


    I received no service and was utterly ignored by the two attendant that were behind the counter. The manager that was also present requested them to serve me but they ignored her request and the other attendant simple walked away. I was with father and he just wanted to play the power ball but he was also ignored. The teller name that eventually helped me was Happy M. I will never set foot into that place every again!!

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