12 Decades Johannesburg Art Hotel i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Sydafrika12 Decades Johannesburg Art Hotel



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286, Fox Street, 2094, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA Südafrika
kontakter telefon: +27 10 410 5460
internet side: 12decadeshotel.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.2043633, Longitude: 28.0597055

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicholas Olivier


    Very cool looking place. Live the decor. Steve people are super friendly. Will definitely go again.

  • Keamogetswe Mfoloe

    Keamogetswe Mfoloe


    Great quiet place, very artistic atmosphere. Has neat and tidy studio apartments

  • Bedford Manor

    Bedford Manor


    Very quaint and quirky hotel. Love the interior design

  • ian surgeon

    ian surgeon


    Nice hotel in a vibrant area of Johannesburg. Arts crafts , lots of bars and restaurants around the area. Sundays large amount of people come to the inner city for a food market at the end of the street. Saturdays there is a food and wine market on the roof of the hotel with fantastic views of the city. Can get noisey but if you're looking to visit Johannesburg for a taste of the South African culture this is the No1 spot.

  • en

    Thato Tshehlana


    I book from air bnb but this is really a lovely place with diverse rooms, privercy, good security, a nice vibe all in all and affordable prices. Highly recommended

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