Manorswood Veterinary Clinic i Sandton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaManorswood Veterinary Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

15, Umgeni Crescent, 2191, Sandton, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 804 2207
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.06632, Longitude: 28.07567

kommentar 5

  • Janet Beech

    Janet Beech


    Such kind and empathetic vets and staff

  • Alexander Pope

    Alexander Pope


    Our favourite vet 🐶♥️

  • Wesley Kistasamy

    Wesley Kistasamy


    Great care taken with your Pets. I hear that Denver has now left but I'm sure the newvet will be just as great.

  • Ruth Lockwood

    Ruth Lockwood


    Always feel secure when I go to see the amazing Vet Dr Denver at Manorswood , he has known my boy since he was 8 weeks and truly I feel that my dog Rufus is in the best hands ever !! The best vet and the team supporting, ie taking food to the car and receptionists always have a smile .. Thank you Manorswood & personally to Dr Denver .. from myself and Rufus woof woof

  • NicoLouis Minnie

    NicoLouis Minnie


    Denver and his team are always willing to help. The clinic is open every day of the week and they perform anything from routine check ups to more involved procedures. Friendly and helpful staff coupled with a well stocked petshop makes this a one stop shop.

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