AnimaniA Veterinary Hospital i Sandton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaAnimaniA Veterinary Hospital



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21, Pine Road, 2191, Sandton, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 465 0212
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.9984407, Longitude: 28.003627

kommentar 5

  • Jaunique Jones

    Jaunique Jones


    Genuinely the most positive vet experience ever. My pup wasn't cowering behind me the moment we stepped through the door. The staff are incredibly helpful, friendly and understanding. The vet we saw listened to the full story and was thorough with her check of what could be wrong. The tail was wagging the entire time, even through the shots (which has never been the case in the last near 10 years). If I could give more stars, I would. Beyond happy that I chose them for our first visit since moving into the area and will 100% be the vet of choice in the future. Plus, there's a resident pup that judges you from the rooftop as you walk in and its amazing.

  • Lisa Pillay

    Lisa Pillay


    The staff at AnimaniA are amazing. They took care of my fur baby as if he were their own. They kept him calm and explained every step to me. I'm very impressed with the setup, service and pricing. This is the perfect place to take your pets and for peace of mind. Thank you to the staff, we look forward to visiting you in the future 👍

  • Jacques Marchand

    Jacques Marchand


    Absolutely amazing! Kind and compassionate under extreme duress! Well priced 24hr facilities.

  • Sibongile hannah Moyo

    Sibongile hannah Moyo


    My pups are healthy, fresh n clean thanks to Animania!!!!😊 #whiskeynchampagne

  • Donovan Robertse

    Donovan Robertse


    Brilliant caring vet, passionate about your pets health and well being.

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