Lopec Auto Spares i Boksburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaLopec Auto Spares



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Middle Office Park, Top Road, Anderbolt, Boksburg, 1459, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 894 5987
internet side: www.lopec.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.193567, Longitude: 28.271845

kommentar 5

  • Thembile mqikela

    Thembile mqikela


    Very expensive... I was looking for brake discs they said each is R650 then i went to bumper to bumber and got all 4 for R700 with front brake pads included.

  • Kwanele Nchwe

    Kwanele Nchwe


    Good service, nice parts and good prices

  • Pieter Willem Adriaan Pienaar

    Pieter Willem Adriaan Pienaar


    The ideal place to buy open and chev spares ! New and used

  • Josh Basson

    Josh Basson


    Wonderful service. Jacques at Lopec was the only person I spoke to who knew about this one peculiarity with mirrors on the Chevy Aveo and was able to assist me. I had to buy new mirrors for my car and found out there were different mirrors for different model cars. Even differences on the same year models between the hatchback and sedan. At 5 other shops I went to, nobody had seen or heard of this before. Even when phoning before going and being assured the mirrors will fit, I found that they in fact did not. Showing the technicians at the other shops the original mirrors and having the measure it, they were still confused as to how this could be the case.

  • Iggyselota Iggy

    Iggyselota Iggy


    I like this because every parts of Opel motor vehicle is available

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