kulula.com i Kempton Park

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Cappello Shop, O. R. Tambo International Airport, O.R. Tambo, Kempton Park, 1627, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 86 158 5852
internet side: www.kulula.co.za
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.1342351, Longitude: 28.2298529

kommentar 5

  • Shaheed carr

    Shaheed carr


    Poor phone service I hold on for 15mins then they hang up, I redial the the second time and waited again for 25 mins the phone just went dead, had to redial again for the 3 time again waited for 30 mins then I finally had to hang up

  • Jaques Pretorius

    Jaques Pretorius


    Kulula released a statement saying you can change your flights for no additional costs or cancel your flight for a full refund in the form of credits. I've been phoning to cancel my tickets (booked for the 19th of March) since Saturday the 14th. I've tried to cancel online and online it says that 'online cancellations are not permitted' and to please phone the same number that does not work. When trying to now rather change my flights, they want to charge me a full fare. I have got type 1 diabetes and my wife is pregnant. Kulula now forces us to either fly or lose our money. In the midst of a global pandemic, this is lying and taking advantage.

  • Rachel Johnstone

    Rachel Johnstone


    Such disappointing service from Kulula airlines. After repeatedly notifying multiple Kulula staff of my connecting flight, I missed my onward international flight, loosing a lot of money. No attempt was made to correct the disruption caused by their inefficient service. They refused to reissue a onward ticket, instead, the response I received from them was "well we got you here". I do not recommend flying with Kulula. They are repeatedly late and they will not attempt to rectify their mistakes.

  • Deon E

    Deon E


    I don't mind if the flight is delayed or I have to sit in a cooking hot cabin waiting for take-off. However if the flight attendants refuse to offer me service after reaching altitude and tell me I must wait on my turn, I do mind. Never again Kulula!

  • Stephen Hall

    Stephen Hall


    Sat 15-Dec 2018, Flight MN615 to DBN was meant to depart 13:35. Passengers then told the flight is late inbound. Later told flight is technical.....New departure 18:05. Extremely poor PR and NO customer service. Even the departure status could not be updated...new departure time 18:40!

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