KFC Lynnwood i Pretoria

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180, Lynnwood Road, 0081, Pretoria, Pretoria, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 86 100 0532
internet side: www.kfc.co.za
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Latitude: -25.759043, Longitude: 28.242416

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chane Piek


    Always an outing to come to KFC Hillcrest 😁 they are always busy, but still you recieve fresh hot food in such little time ! I love coming here ! The food is freshly prepared and the facilities are clean ad neat 💪

  • Michael Chilro

    Michael Chilro


    Beggar's harras you in the drive-thru and the staff do nothing about it when you notify them about the issue, they ignore you flat when you mention it. 9 out of 10 times they forget the pineapple on my pineapple twister. Often this kfc is out of stock of multiple items e.g. machine coke, sometimes chicken, ice-cream the list goes on. This review is unfortunate as this kfc used to be one of the best. Simply put, this is not the standard that any business should run at.

  • Gary Baris

    Gary Baris


    Not overly impressed. I used the drive through and there is a extractor fan of some sorts that blows directly into your car's window. Furthermore, it been raining and they had been stacking the product selection posters in the light boxes which, because they got wet showed the images and prices of all the stacked posters on top of each other making it impossible to identify which is which.

  • en

    Johan Els


    This has single handedly got to be the worst KFC I have ever been to. Waiting time is around 40 minutes but can be as long as 2 hours (not joking). Staff not helpful at all. If this KFC was at any other location it would have closed down a long time ago. There are 2 other KFC in close proximity to this one. Do yourself a massive favour and go to the other ones. The time and frustration saved is absolutely worth the short drive to them. Stay away if you can.

  • en

    Pieter Vermaak


    This KFC produces very fresh and good food, but it is not worth it at all.. whether you are the only person in the drive through or on of 6 cars waiting, prepare to wait AT LEAST 30 minutes. Don’t expect them to have ice cream or cupped cool drink from their soda fountain, because they never have this. I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 14 years, so trust me

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