KFC Gateway i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Schoeman Street, Corner Pretorius Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 12 443 4034
internet side: kfc.co.za
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Latitude: -25.7443219, Longitude: 28.245915

kommentar 5

  • Ruby Erasmus

    Ruby Erasmus


    Of all the KFC's that we visit was this one the best. The service was excellent and the chicken very tastefull!!

  • Theo Koen

    Theo Koen


    Fast service. Staff friendly. Food freshly prepared. Dodgy characters loitering around outside. Good KFC but the environment will impact the clientele.

  • Calvin Andrew

    Calvin Andrew


    This was the worst KFC I have ever been to! The outlet is suppose to be 24 hours I arrive there and the manager tells me they want to sleep so no food can be made After a whole argument I eventually ended up getting the service a customer expects to be getting. They not willing to work nor satisfy the customer needs at all.

  • Fiona Gontse Selepe

    Fiona Gontse Selepe


    We this morning for breakfast and the cashiers Elizabeth gave such horrible service that people started leaving to go to McDonald's. That is a damn shame. She was angry and not bothered that people want to order

  • david la rose

    david la rose


    They said they've run out of everything. I think the manager is not doing a proper job. Great chicken pops though. Really fresh.

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