House Of Judaica i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaHouse Of Judaica



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Hamlin Street, 2192, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 728 3667
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Latitude: -26.147643, Longitude: 28.0792737

kommentar 5

  • Pepper Fly

    Pepper Fly


    Nice Little Shop, note they are closed on Saturdays

  • Innocent Chikuse

    Innocent Chikuse


    A small but loaded shop selling Jewish items. I love it. Being an adopted jew myself, my Hebrew is, let's just say, needs a lot, lot of work,. The lady even helped me properly pronounce a Jewish name of something I was buying.Good service.

  • Fifi Masango

    Fifi Masango


    That is my home. I love that shop

  • Norman Mans

    Norman Mans


    If looking to purchase Tefillin, or a hebrew prayer shawl tallit, or Jewish Blessings for your home, then visit House Of Judaica. Would suggest contacting them, to avoid any confusion regarding if they have any of above in stock. And take cash with, speed point machine not always working. Have a blessed shop experience!

  • Ncedo Mamatu

    Ncedo Mamatu


    All the Jewish garments found there.if desire to grow in the spirit further.good place to visit

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