High Fidelity i Johannesburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaHigh Fidelity



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60, Riviera Road, 2193, Johannesburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 486 4639
internet side: facebook.com
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Latitude: -26.166532, Longitude: 28.053932

kommentar 2

  • en

    Malieka Robinson


    Not many stores to buy DVDs and CDs nowadays but I found this nice store when looking for a particular DVD for a gift. The store is well stocked and has a wide selection of local and international DVDs and CDs and staff were really helpful. It is very tidy so easy to move around and located in Killarney Mall which has plenty of parking. It's just a short drive from Houghton and Rosebank.

  • en

    Etienne de Heus


    Hi Fidelity is probably the last surviving DVD shop (sales, not rentals) in Joburg. Unfortunately not for much longer. Received their closing down 40% off everything sms this morning. Sad, but mall shops cannot compete with online. I will miss browsing through the boxes, just not the same to scroll down a screen.

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