Express Airport Parking i Kempton Park

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaExpress Airport Parking



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1, O.R. Tambo Airport Road, 1627, Kempton Park, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 63 642 2394
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.135054, Longitude: 28.232158

kommentar 5

  • William Diesel

    William Diesel


    Worst service ever. Was more than 2 hours late with a very dirty vehicle, will never use again

  • Wehmeyer Ferreira

    Wehmeyer Ferreira


    They might be a few rand cheaper than the next company but their cleaners will take all of your change or any money left behind in your vehicle, if they decide to actually wash your car. They put a scuff mark on my vehicle in June 2019 and ater going back 3 times for them to fix it it still has not been amended. The service is mediocure at best and in my opinion there are a lot better options out there at like R20 more.

  • Dijon Mannie

    Dijon Mannie


    Absolutely pathetic customer service. Waited over 2 hours for my car to be dropped off at OR Tambo. Everytime you call they tell you the driver is on his way (and their parking lot is supposedly less than 10 minutes from the airport!!) I was so close to reporting my car as stolen as they eventually stopped taking my calls. They only have 2 numbers ( 1 just goes to v/mail) and you cannot talk to anyone who actually knows whats going on..It was by pure chance that i eventually saw my car at Terminal B departures. Actually a very scary scenario using these guys as you have no idea if you going to see your car again. Will never make the mistake of using them again.

  • Liza Weideman

    Liza Weideman


    I've used this company twice. I had to wait a few minutes upon my arrival at the airport for the first time, but no biggy. Phoned them a bit earlier the next time around and they were waiting for me after I collected my luggage. Very friendly, courteous and professional. Would recommend.

  • Jacqui Madima

    Jacqui Madima


    I used them for the first time on the 10th of May, i was very sceptical to use their services not knowing if my car was going to be safe. I was pleasantly surprised when we got to the airport and the driver was already waiting for us. A very quick transaction and we were off. When we got back the driver was waiting for us with a speed point . Our vehicle was safe and we paid exactly what was displayed on the website. Thank you Express, will most definitely use them again and recommend to my friends and family.

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