Cheap Beds i Randburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaCheap Beds



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North Road, 2163, Randburg, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 72 052 4106
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.013305, Longitude: 27.962651

kommentar 5

  • Basil Baby

    Basil Baby


    Cheap Bed = Fake Bed, These are 1cm thick foam on both side of iron structure. The inner part of this bed is completely empty. And the iron springs will start hurting you as soon as you use the bed. I bought a 7star bed and used for 2 weeks and it gifted me back pain. I hope this company will offer me a refund after reading this review.

  • be inspirational david

    be inspirational david


    Service was amazing everyone is so friendly and they had just what i was looking for will definitely use them again

  • Duncan Harmse

    Duncan Harmse


    Very difficult to locate and when one does find it, staff are very rude!!! Would rather spend the extra monies on a bed and get the service.

  • Jacques



    Very poor service! They sent the incorrect couch 4 times 😔 They got the shape wrong + the material colour. Unfortunately you get what you pay for! Six weeks later, we still have the wrong colour couch and no response from Steve or Riette. Very disappointing!!!

  • Zulfikaar Mohamed

    Zulfikaar Mohamed


    Amazing service from Eugene! Corner suite came in damaged first time.. he took it back no issues, and sent another 5 days later! Very Happy!! Will DEFINITELY recommend!

nærmeste Natklub

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