aha Kopanong Hotel & Conference Centre i Benoni

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Sydafrikaaha Kopanong Hotel & Conference Centre



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243, Glen Gory Road, 1501, Benoni, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 749 0000
internet side: aha.co.za
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Latitude: -26.1069305, Longitude: 28.3202271

kommentar 5

  • Zita Kamwendo

    Zita Kamwendo


    My husband had an annual conference here for his work. I would not recommend staying here if you have a baby. No baby chair makes feeding times very challenging. We recommended to them to have a high chair. The food was delicious, the rooms were nice but again not really baby friendly. Some staff members were super friendly and nice while others just did their jobs. Quite a distance from everything e.g shopping malls etc There is a nice duck pond which my daughter loved. The scenery is beautiful. I would say good for qork trips ~ conferences only. Oh!There is a also a swimming pool which I didnt see anyone swimming in it for the week we stayed but beautiful for pictures and just sitting to relax by the pool area.

  • Mdu Maseko

    Mdu Maseko


    Very friendly staff at reception and around the building,,the conference centres are up to standard with the latest equipment, the rooms are neat nd spacious its value for money. The kitchen can improve though on the lunch menu specifically the pap and beef its not worth writing home about. Everything else spot on

  • Caecelia Sugandy

    Caecelia Sugandy


    It is not five stars hotel, but it was clean and quiet. It is kind of villa. The buffet breakfasts were wonderful

  • Ezekiel Langa

    Ezekiel Langa


    Good service! Friendly staff! Highly recommended! Great facilities and conference rooms. Good chefs! Good Food! Great taste! Nice environment! Great for conferencing No regrets that I visited! I will definitely visit them again should the need arise. Check it out, you won't regret it!

  • Arina Doyle

    Arina Doyle


    Wow. Can I give 6 stars? The staff are just awesome. Really. All of them are so friendly. Eats and drinks between sessions were of a very high quality. The lunches we enjoyed were just magnificent! The interior was impeccable. I can really recommend this venue!

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