Franchise Guest House i Benoni

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaFranchise Guest House



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134, Howard Avenue, 1500, Benoni, East Rand, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 421 3982
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Latitude: -26.19049, Longitude: 28.31072

kommentar 5

  • Thabo Mbatha

    Thabo Mbatha


    It has good vibe... Starf are friendly the guy Mikado is dope

  • Pulane Khanye

    Pulane Khanye


    Whoooo as for me I'm never going there again,the sheets were dirty and the shower too small and the water cold and the washing tub had a hole in it.

  • Dima Kigulah

    Dima Kigulah


    Beautiful place but foreigner s working there. Are not getting it in terms of our needs. Especially the reception guy who sleeps on the floor of reception. When you have a visitor during the night, he complains does not want to open. Telling you he wants to sleep. Sleep where? Reception? I mean really

  • Richard Makola

    Richard Makola


    We called to book 2days n we arrived n paid for one on arrival. Next day when we wanted to extend our stay we were told to move out. We slept in a boss bedroom with her staff/personal belongings inside. Ladies staff are so rude but the guys where lovely. No privacy at all. One lady slept next to our room on the floor. I think you have many incessary untrained staff. Room was nice n bed very confirtable.. There is a room for improvement. No one like sharing a bathroom.

  • Chereelee Rautenbach

    Chereelee Rautenbach


    The people were so amazing and caring felt comfortable and safe

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