Woolworths Food Nicolway Bryanston i Sandton

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SydafrikaWoolworths Food Nicolway Bryanston



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Shop 5, Nicolway Bryanston, Corner William Nicol Drive & Wedgewood Link, Sandton, 2012, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 799 6600
internet side: www.woolworths.co.za
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Latitude: -26.053008, Longitude: 28.020106

kommentar 5

  • Inongé Malumo

    Inongé Malumo


    Excellently laid out, a beautiful navigatory experience...if navigatory is a word. Lovely fresh offerings, friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere. Right up there for a nomination for 'Uber-Woolworths'

  • Laurie Less

    Laurie Less


    Now this is my foodie paradise. I can lose myself in this store for hours. I love the Saturday morning tastings.

  • Camille Fredericks

    Camille Fredericks


    So great (better than Tasha’s) for team breakfasts or lunches. Just such friendly staff and delicious food. Even had a birthday breakfast here and was not disappointed.

  • Akhia Andersson

    Akhia Andersson


    The Woolworths Cafe here is great! A lovely cafe with excellent service and an extensive menu. Serving all-day breakfast as well as an assortment of gluten-free and vegetarian options, this place is an unexpected gem. The grande Almond Milk Cappuccino is excellent (and my personal fave) and much larger than at other cafes. The food has never disappointed - almost cried because my gluten-free waffle cake was so tasty. The wait staff are friendly and attentive. Overall, I'm very pleased and will happily return.

  • Missy Xoxo

    Missy Xoxo


    Quite disappointing. Lots of servers around, but service is below par and hard to get their attention. Food was so average. Lovely set up though, but doubt I'll be returning. Did like the way my tea was served. The actual Woolworths food store is very good though, pleasant place to shop. Always have a few appetising samples to try out.

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