Street Parking Solutions i Cape Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaStreet Parking Solutions



🕗 åbningstider

40, Castle Street, 8000, Cape Town, Cape Town, ZA Sudáfrica
kontakter telefon: +27 21 422 0153
internet side:
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Latitude: -33.9211, Longitude: 18.4209299

kommentar 5

  • Morné Marais

    Morné Marais


    If I had the option of 0 stars I would have done it!!! Worst service and aggressive employees! One word, they are not part of the City of Cape Town, because if they were they could and would have sent 'fines' if you "failed to pay" like they call it when you only arrived and don't know how long you will be in the parking! Girls and woman, please keep you pepper spray handy in case of an assault!

  • en

    Mike Fenn


  • Lucy Valerie Graham

    Lucy Valerie Graham


    what is going to happen to this company when R20 per hour NATIONAL minimum wage comes into effect in May 2018? at the moment the company pays its workers very little but has gotten away with this because there is no specific minimum wage for parking marshals. From May 2018, if another parking company is compliant with the national minimum wage and can pay its workers a minimum wage of R20 per hour that company should get the tender above SPS

  • Ian de Jongh

    Ian de Jongh


    This company exploits it's workers terribly. Don't understand how this was even approved by the city of Cape Town

  • Paul Smith

    Paul Smith


    Note, this is NOT a public car park.

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