Stoneridge Car Wash i Lethabong

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaStoneridge Car Wash



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1, Stoneridge Dr, 1610, Lethabong, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 79 881 0062
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.115927, Longitude: 28.142707

kommentar 5

  • clint melton

    clint melton


    This place operates, the cars pile up so get there early. They do a superb job on washing your car and the staff are very friendly

  • Venushka Walters

    Venushka Walters


    I used to love using this car wash but over recent months they have become so busy that I have found I leave them, after having my car washed, not as chuffed as I used to be. Areas in and around the vehicle have been missed or skipped and they are in obvious areas that should have been cleaned. Their waiting area is also now too small to accommodate patrons that are waiting for their cars to be finished. 1 year ago I would have given 5 stars but sadly their service excellence has dropped and therefore so does my rating.

  • Nasrene Bux

    Nasrene Bux


    Prices are bit higher than the regular car wash but for the convenience of being able to get stuff done/have lunch at the centre AND not have to rush back to your car because they have plenty space to park it until you return it’s definitely worth it. Super friendly and helpful staff. Car was perfectly sparking ✨

  • Jonty Aron

    Jonty Aron


    Brilliant carwash. My car never looked better.

  • Daniel Barnard

    Daniel Barnard


    They do a very thorough and reasonably priced wash. It usually takes about an hour for a wash but during peak times it can be up to 2 hours. Which is fine if you're planning to do some shopping around the centre and sit down for some food or coffee. I feel very confident leaving my keys with them.

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