Pizza Hut Highveld Mall i Emalahleni

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SydafrikaPizza Hut Highveld Mall



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Mandela Street, 1034, Emalahleni, Nkangala, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 10 060 0130
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.8879553, Longitude: 29.2665612

kommentar 5

  • Zonke Khoza

    Zonke Khoza


    I ordered the pepperoni lovers pizza via Mr D food. I called to enquire why my pizza was burnt,the extra jalapeño I ordered was charred and the pepperoni was hard and dry. I was told "it's because you didn't add extra cheese". Save yourselves and order something else. Money wasted!

  • Mean Batman

    Mean Batman


    Order takes more than 90 min on two occasions. No one answers the phone. If you phone head office the transfer you to the wrong shop.

  • The Life’s Way

    The Life’s Way


    Pizza Hut Highveld Mall is our stop whenever we are coming towards Johannesburg or going away from Johannesburg. The same is located inside the Highveld Mall and the mall is huge but the best part is that this place is just near one of the entrances near the highway. Exiting the highway and eating here is fun. Sometimes they don't prepare as per the order which I faced twice at the store without information but overall I love Pizza Hut pizzas as compared to the other brands. Thanks

  • Lerato Masentle Mogajane

    Lerato Masentle Mogajane


    I used to think high of this place until last week when I made an online order and paid online only to experience some problems later. After an hour of waiting for my food I decided to call the witbank store where I made my order, and only to find out that they had not received my order and they don't know what happened. I called the head office, they also tell me they don't know what happened. After a lot of phone calls between head office and witbank branch, the restaurant tells me I'll get my order after 27 minutes. It was not even 5 min and I hear the delivery scooter outside. My hubby goes to get the food, asking for the receipt and the driver telling him that he lost it. Food is cold and they forgot to add my avo that I paid for on o e of the pizzas. I'm done with this restaurant!!!!

  • Paul Walker

    Paul Walker


    Firstly your enquiry form doesn't work on your website, submit button doesn't respond, secondly i can only choose one topic , no multiple selection on radio buttons, I encountered multiple issues and would like to please inform you about it on your website. Thirdly, I asked for thin base for the second time now and every time they promise me thin base and then when i get home it's thick base, I really dislike thick base. Fourthly I was treated with the worst attitude ever when I tried to order from this particular Pizza Hut, it's a dog show to say the least, they treated me with no respect, didn't even greet me when I greeted them. I responded with , it's just polite to greet someone and i'm a patient person but this made me really frustrated!!!!! Then I asked if they can remove the bacon from the pizza, I don't eat bacon on a chicken pizza. then I got an attitude that it is impossible for them to remove the bacon and that I should go somewhere else. I then had to call the manager which took half an hour and then all of a sudden they could remove the bacon and that it was done as standard practice in the past, no training whatsoever!!!! When i got the pizza now it has been ruined and I can only taste soy sauce, not how they taste usually at all. I gave it to the dogs and the dogs didn't want it either. Pizza hut used to be my favorite place in the world before this happened to me, now I really don't like going there, i am so highly dissapointed and I wil make an effort to tell everyone about this extremely bad experience I had at what used to be my favorite place. I would like someone to respond to this seeming that your website enquiry form doesn't work and I can't contact you through there. It wasted my time to fill in the form just to get to a stuck page at the end, again ,highly unprofessional. If i could give this place a minus rating I would have, 1star is overrated . I'll be waiting for the swift response, thank you or rather no thank you.

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