Pizza Del Forno Meyersdal i Alberton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaPizza Del Forno Meyersdal



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Meyersdal, Alberton, 1448, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 867 7236
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -26.2864754, Longitude: 28.0958229

kommentar 5

  • Joshua Eziwell

    Joshua Eziwell


    The pizza is great and occupies the right position if you want to view passing traffic.

  • Mrs Min West

    Mrs Min West


    Just ordered on their app. The driver had me standing with screeching baby on my hip insisting the order I paid for through their apl and got the notification from the bank that the transaction was successfull, was not paid! Listen, I do not have time to quarrel with your driver get yourself organised so you actually know what is paid for and what is not and I seriously deserve an apology since this was the last thing I needed today!! Seriously put off from using your app again if you're going to give me trouble like that!!!

  • Erik Storm

    Erik Storm


    Love the food, great service - keep up the good work

  • Karin Swanepoel

    Karin Swanepoel


    Have visited Pizza Del Forno on many occassions and must honestly state that service is always good. Sangria is good. Menu prices have increased. Unfortunately, same can't be said of food. Haloumi starter left a lot to be desired. It was a small portion and over cooked. Can recommend the jalapenõ corn fritter as a starter. We ordered 2 steaks, 1 was ordered "medium" and was served close to well done, also sinewy. Portion in my opinion did not represent 200g, even if cooked. Unfortunately, my husband didn't want to send his steak back, as he felt that this action would draw attention from other patrons. I, on the other hand will rather return a meal and perhaps in this way get the attention of the Manager, who in this case is the majority of the time outside in the parking area, either on his phone or busy smoking. He did not bother once to visit our table to inquire about the quality of our mesl.p Although the other fillet steak (with mash and beans) was ordered medium rare and served medium, it was tasty and can be recommended.

  • Emmanuel Manyokole

    Emmanuel Manyokole


    The security killed my vibe, I was extremely happy to be here until the security came and stopped me from taking photos, he says I must be from a company.

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