Northgate Shopping Centre i Roodepoort

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaNorthgate Shopping Centre



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21, Northumberland Avenue, 2162, Roodepoort, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, ZA South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 11 794 1687
internet side:
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Latitude: -26.0613783, Longitude: 27.9452655

kommentar 5

  • Manjush Mathews

    Manjush Mathews


    Still Operating during lockdown for essential services

  • Phatu Makushu

    Phatu Makushu


    The main reason for the existence of this mall is ice skating. It's affordable and fun. Easy to reach and has a beautiful view of the dome which a few minutes walk

  • Romeo FONO

    Romeo FONO


    Play place for the children. The game place is fantastic. We enjoyed every moment there.

  • Gagu Matsebula

    Gagu Matsebula


    An average mall, with the usual anchor retailers. It has no back up generator for when there's load shedding. More often than not, there are people inside the centre's corridors trying to sell some kind of product/ solicit donations for different causes. They can, and usually do, get EXTREMELY intrusive in trying to get your attention. I've had to report one to management.

  • Joy Thebekwana

    Joy Thebekwana


    I went to Northgate Shopping mall to meet a friend. Nice mall, the toilets are super clean and even smell nice too which something you won't find in Soweto. Love this mall, think am gonna take my daughter to the mugg and bean for breakfast she would definately enjoy it

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