Nando's Hatfield i Pretoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaNando's Hatfield



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1101 Burnett St, Shop 1, Hatfield Corner, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028, Sydafrika
kontakter telefon: +27 12 362 6616
internet side:
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Latitude: -25.7509366, Longitude: 28.2354683

kommentar 5

  • shang chanel

    shang chanel


    A very good place to go and get something to eat. They make the most amazing chicken there. Esp the spicy one. They grill it to perfection. They also sell cocktails with alcohol so that's a bonus. Plus they have this artistic ambience to I as evidenced by the art on their walls. It can get packed during month ends. Unfortunately they close early at around 10pm.

  • Pieter Schoeman

    Pieter Schoeman


    Goeie en vinnige diens. Kos was ook baie lekker.

  • en

    Ammar Khalid


    Coming from Canada this Nando's location is quite different in terms of portion size, sides available and the way the food is prepared. Must instruct the cook to prepare the chicken well otherwise it is quite possible to have it under cooked. The side order of fries or wedges is small in portion size. Prices are similar to Nando's north America but they could definitely use a boost in portion size. It does provide Halal chicken for Muslims.

  • en

    Bokamoso Tsheola


    The stuff was friendly and the service rendered was great.

  • Zime Mtolo

    Zime Mtolo


    Friendly staff great food. Its easy to be in an out especially for take aways

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