Mr Price Home i Durban

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SydafrikaMr Price Home



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Sandile Thusi Rd, Greyville, Durban, 4000, South Africa
kontakter telefon: +27 31 309 6393
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Latitude: -29.837558, Longitude: 31.022978

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mbali Mashazi


    So clean, everything is so beautiful. You just want to buy EVERYTHING!!!

  • Nindya Bucktowar

    Nindya Bucktowar


    Take a shopping list or you might spend more than what you need. Lots of cool stationary and gadgets. Affordable homeware and accessories. Great scented candle collection. Bought a 100% cotton white kilt last week, well priced and super comfortable.

  • Saudah Bassa

    Saudah Bassa


    Love this place! So difficult to leave once inside! Lovely kitchenware, home ware, linen, furniture etc for the whole family

  • en

    Kamroon Nisa Abdul


    Nice big store, needs better parking, got everything in store, difficult to get assistance, can't find anyone around to help. Staff at till points very friendly, good service

  • Kirsten Campbell

    Kirsten Campbell


    So much on offer!! Realitively well kept although it could be a bit cleaner. Staff very friendly but not very helpful on the floor, had to go looking for someone to help me find what I wanted. Relatively good quality for consideravly cheap!

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